Hong Kong Oil painting Research Society was established on April 20, 2007, as a non-profit
art organization initiated by a group of local oil painters. Mr. Lin Minggang is the president,
Professor Lin Mingchen serves as the honorary president, and Mr. Wu Ying and Mr. Chen Chaolong are the
vice presidents. Professors Jin Yaoji, Zheng Peikai, Qian Shaowu, and Shao Dazhen act as honorary
The society aims to promote local art and unite painting enthusiasts, strengthen research and exchange
in the arts, and continuously enhance the appreciation standards of oil paintings. It also seeks to
foster a sense of national pride and love for Hong Kong. It is dedicated to the development of oil
painting in Hong Kong, with the goal of helping outstanding local artists establish themselves and
expand beyond the region.
Over the years, the society has hosted more than 15 large-scale art exhibitions in Hong Kong, Shenzhen,
Fuzhou, Dongguan, and other locations, as well as published over 12 art books and magazines. Members'
works have been selected multiple times for national art exhibitions. The group often goes on sketching
trips with local and international renowned oil painters and frequently collaborates with Mainland
Institutions for joint exhibitions. Hong Kong Oil painting Research Society is recognized as one of the
most important art groups in Hong Kong.
Currently, the society has over 40 members. The late Mr. Xiao Zi once served as the society’s secretary;
Mr. Ouyang Naizhan and Mr. Wang Yunshan once served as vice presidents.
香港油畫研究會於2007年4月20日成立, 是一個非牟利藝術團體。由本港一批資深油畫家倡議創立。林鳴崗先生擔任會長, 林明琛教授為榮譽會長,
加強書畫藝術的研究及交流, 不斷提高書畫藝術水準, 從而促進愛國愛港的民族感情,同時亦致力推動本港油畫發展, 目標是令一批優秀的本土藝術家能立足香港,
Annual Exhibition
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2025-03-10林鸣岗是香港画坛中一位极具代表性的油画家,以其对自然景观的深刻描绘和独特的艺术语言而闻名。他的作品以国内外的著名景点为主题,展现了自然界的静谧与壮美,同时也传递出他对人与自然关系的深刻思考。其用笔细腻、构图严谨、色彩丰富,形成了极具辨识度的艺术风格。 林鸣岗的用笔技法精湛,尤其在油画的表现上展现了他对细节的极致追求。他善于运用细腻的笔触描绘自然景物的质感,无论是森林中树木的纹理、池塘水面的波光,还是山石的肌理,都能在他的笔下得到生动的呈现。他的笔触既有西方古典油画的严谨与细腻,又融入了东方绘画中的写意精神,使得画面在写实的基础上多了一份灵动与诗意。
《香港 - 北京 - 莫斯科 - 聖彼得堡 - 巴黎國際油畫交流大展2025》
香港油畫研究會又策劃一場大型的油畫國際性展覽 - 2025國際油畫交流大展
2025-02-28International Oil Painting Exchange Exhibition 2025 Hong Kong – Beijing – Moscow- St. Peterburg – Paris Location: Hong Kong Central Library 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong